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Chapter 816 Cock In For Double Trouble:>Ep9

  • I was trying to process the information as fast as possible but my body was working faster than my brain and before I could process the information and ask Mary if she was sure it was a safe time of the month to be doing this. I had pulled her hips down tightly against my groin tearing past her hymen and plowing my sperm soaked cock deep inside her tight little pussy with the still leaking opening on the tip pressed tightly against Mary's cervix. I was still trying to decide what to do when I looked up at Mary's face and saw the tears streaming down her cheeks and a tender smile as she looked down and said in amazement
  • "I took it all, are you proud of me Dan?"
  • I sat up and hugged her tightly to my chest to comfort her as I whispered in her ear "Daddy is very proud of you sweetie, you are growing up to be a beautiful person inside and out just like your Mother. Now Daddy's little girl is a woman too." Mary gave me a big proud smile as she wiped away the tears and with a sly smile she squeezed her muscles clamping down on my erection and milking more potent sperm from my leaking cock as she looked me straight in the eyes proudly. I gave her a serious look and asked her if she was sure it was safe to be leaking this much live potent sperm this deep and right against the opening to her cervix without worrying about my sperm finding an egg. Mary laughed and as she began to slowly slide her tight little pussy up and down my cock she said.
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